Welcome to the The Commonsense Rules website, home of a proposed new constitution! If you’re tired of the partisanship and unthinking adherence to the doctrines of the two political parties in America, then you’re in the right place. The debt and deficit, politics as usual, economic stagnation, health care costs, public education, complex and unfair taxation, and on and on…
If you believe, as I do, that the United States is in real trouble and you’d like to do something about it, please read on. I wrote a book describing what we can do together. This site is about the book, but it is also about much more.
It is a call to action – to save America!
Paul Harrington
Sample the Book
- Prologue
The year 2021 will never be forgotten. What we have just experienced as a nation and a people was unimaginable just a few years ago. The violent protests; the riots; class warfare evidenced by suburban home invasions, attacks, and destruction—these are not possible in America right? But they all happened as the world watched in horror. The shock of the default of the United States on its sovereign debt will continue to reverberate for years, probably decades, to come… [Read More]
- Chapter 2
As Jemmy’s old mare cantered south along Fifth Street, anticipation and excitement began to take hold. His mood brightened from gloom and despair to hope and optimism. Maybe we can pull this off after all, he thought to himself. Why not? Just because it’s never been done doesn’t mean we can’t be the first. Of course it won’t be easy, but then, nothing worthwhile ever is. It’s going to be a long, hot summer—or maybe it won’t have to be that difficult… [Read More]
- Chapter 4
Some of the Founding Fathers were among the proponents of natural law. Many were deists who believed in God but not in the teachings of religions. They thought of human nature as a positive force, with universal moral values innate in all people—a God-given set of behavioral rules that can be discovered through the application of reason to truth. These natural moral rules lead to those “certain unalienable rights”… [Read More]
- Chapter 17
The revolutionary new proposals for health care, education, taxation, and sharing would dramatically improve the condition of the country economically, fiscally, and socially. They would eliminate the threat of the pending insolvency of American governments, which would otherwise destroy the economy, devastate the least advantaged Americans, and tear apart the social fabric of the nation… [Read More]
Recent Posts
October 20, 2014. Having just published a book predicting a federal debt default in 2021 (and describing what can be done to prevent it), I am beginning to feel rather lonely. Everyone seems to have forgotten how close the country came to financial Armageddon six years ago. The “occupy” movement petered out. The “tea party” fervor peaked and is heading toward irrelevance. And concerns about the fiscal dangers to American governments have gone from front page news to deadening silence…
The first Friday of every month at 8:30 AM (EST) is a very important time for those of us who follow news about the economy. That is when the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) releases its monthly report entitled “The Employment Situation.” The headline figures of new jobs created and the unemployment rate are featured in all the major news outlets. The investment community analyzes the details of the BLS report, which includes twenty-five tables of statistics. The stock market reacts al…
“It seems an odd circumstance that the very existence of this still young nation has been threatened every fourscore since independence was essentially conceded in 1781 (after Yorktown). That would make 2021 the year that catastrophe will strike unless drastic action is taken. The unnerving reality is that the timetable is just about right.”
The Commonsense Rules)
1781 – Independence won (Yorktown)
1861 – The Civil War
1941 – World War II
2021 – Federal Debt Default (projected)